sábado, 21 de febrero de 2015


BruteForcer is a client-server multithreaded application for bruteforce cracking passwords. The more clients connected to the server, the faster the cracking.
The client is plugin-based. Meaning that BruteForcer itself is just a segmentation software and it doesn't care what type of file you are trying to crack. It just sends the generated passwords to the plugin and the plugin will handle checking if the password is correct. This concept have a great future potential - any programmer can write a plugin in any language, that can compile stdcall dll-s. And not only for files - this may be adopted to any type of bruteforcing passwords.
At the moment there is only a plugin for RAR archives and only with encrypted filenames. But since this plugin is open source, i hope some people will help with more plugins.


Wordlist attack:
Start the server and type the name of the file, that you want to crack. If the file is accessible by all clients on a network you can specify the complete path to it. If it's not, then you have to type the filename with no path and every client will look for it in it's own folder - that means there must be a copy of the file for each client.
Then carefully setup the dictionary. If the password consists of symbols that are not in the dictionary, BruteForcer will not be able to find it. By default in the dictionary there are all lowercase English letters and all numbers. So if you suspect that in the password there might be capital letters or brackets or other symbols you have to add them to the dictionary. But be carefull - the longer the dictionary, the longer the time it takes to break a password.
Then you have to set the maximum password length - the software will not attempt passwords that are longer than this. The default value is 5.
Then start the client on as many machines, as you can find and connect to the server and they will start working.

Since version 0.7 the client supports wordlist attack. Basically when this is enabled it tries to determine if the current combination of symbols mean anything and if it doesn't - then it skips it. For this you need a wordlist file - this is a database with all the words in a language. I have provided an English wordlist with more that 200 000 words. It is easy to make other wordlists from some free spell check libraries.

The wordlist attack operates at 3 different modes:
- Level 1 - It is fastest and skips most of the combinations. It looks only for complete match with the wordlist. It can be useful only if you know that the password is just a single word.
- Level 2 - It ignores the symbols that are not letters, and looks for a match with the wordlist. It is useful when you know that the password is a single word, surrounded by numbers or other symbols.
- Level 3 - It checks if the current combination of symbols contains at least one meaningful word from the wordlist. This is the best mode, i suggest you use it always. The password of the test archive (test.rar) can be found only by this method (or by pure bruteforce of course).

 Level: Expert

Download Link:

Bruteforcer Client